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In the West Piedmont Planning District, as is the case in most places, most commuters travel by car to get to work, principally through use of the single-occupancy automobile.  In many cases that works well, although some workers or potential workers have unreliable transportation, or sometimes no transportation options at all.  At the same time, it has been brought to the attention of RIDE Solutions that employers in the region seek to increase their productivity by attracting additional qualified associates.  That effort is sometimes difficult for companies and organizations to achieve due to the fact that not all potential employees have access to reliable transportation options.  This is where vanpooling options can help, and RIDE Solutions, along with Commute with Enterprise, will host a webinar in July to show you how your business or organization can benefit from vanpooling, how to establish a vanpool, and perhaps how multiple employers can share a vanpool.

The webinar, again, hosted jointly by Commute with Enterprise and RIDE Solutions, will take place on Tuesday, July 13th from 10 – 11 a.m. Vanpool expert Kay Young-Brown will introduce the program, discuss the program’s benefits, the procedure utilized to establish a vanpool, and when and if a vanpool would be practical.  You may register for the webinar at

At times, a large employer may wish to establish its own vanpool to facilitate transportation of a number of employees from the home location to its facility.  In other circumstances, a number of employers in close proximity to one-another may decide to collaborate on setting up one or more vanpools.  For example, Patriot Centre Industrial Park in Henry County is home to many large employers with a significant workforce base, many of which may wish to expand their workforces.  Some of these employers may have numerous employees or even potential workers living in Danville, for example, and if existing employees work similar shifts, employers may wish to collaborate to establish one or more vanpools between the area in which employees and potential employees reside (Danville, in this example) and the workplace. In this scenario, vanpools can furnish existing employees with reliable transportation as well as generate the necessary transportation resources to expand their workforces by attracting other qualified employees.  Furthermore, vanpools can be an added bonus to existing and potential employees, as they can help these employees to save money commuting as well as wear-and-tear on their personal vehicles.

We hope to see you on July 13th at 10 a.m., and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding Enterprise’s vanpool program.

If you or your employees are currently carpooling, using transit, bicycling, or walking as part of a commute, or if you or they are teleworking, points will be earned toward great rewards just by logging each trip or telework session into the RIDE Solutions app.  This free app is available for quick download at