RIDE Solutions is seeking quotes for the production of commuter highway signs for installation by VDOT along arterial roads in the Roanoke Valley. RIDE Solutions is seeking the production of 20 signs under the following parameters:
General sign layout:
- 48” x 84” (4’ x 7’)
- .100 aluminum
- 3M Blue Diamond Grade reflective material
- Clearview font
- 6” lettering for uppercase characters
- Full-color and one-color pricing options for the RIDE Solutions logo as presented should be provided. One-color options should include the RS blue (PMS 7468c) or green (PMS 2277c).
Please submit all quotes to Jeremy Holmes, Director of RIDE Solutions, via email at jholmes@rvarc.org. We request all quotes be submitted by Friday, February 14th.
Please direct any questions to Jeremy Holmes at the above email address or by phone to (540) 342-9393.